Upanishad Sammyama - Technique for Self-Discovery
Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The TALKS FROM MORNING SATSANG ON SEPTEMGER 9, 2012 IN KODAIKANAL, INDIA Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that even today it is used as a personal transformation guide. In today's talk on Bhagavad Gita, chapter 6, verse 10, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) speaks on Upanishad. This beautiful practice of sitting with the Master is the cornerstone of Vedic spirituality. NIthyananda gives a meditation technique to experience its essence. When we sit to meditate, our thoughts are often cluttered with distractions. Nithyananda advises us to sit with intentional focus on our distractions so that we purify them. On the first day we sit with our worries; on the second we eat until we are completely full, and then sleep deeply. By the third day we've exhausted our interferences and can begin to drop into the sweet silence of Upanishad. TRANSCRIPTIONS:- Bhagavad Gita -- 6th Chapter -- Verse 10: Dhyana Yoga Yogi Yunjeeta satatam aatmaanam rahasi sthitaha Ekaaki yata -- citaatmaa niraasheera -- parigrahaha The Jeevan Mukta having subdued his thoughts and identity being free from desires with an attitude of renunciation seated within oneself in aloneness should continuously connect with the higher consciousness by unclutching. I will continue on the same verse. Yogi Yunjeeta satatam: Subdued his thoughts and identity atmaanam rahasi sthitaha: with an attitude of renunciation Please understand. Seated within oneself in aloneness; atmaanam rahasisthitaha: Sitting just with atma. The pure self. Just within yourself. I feel so joyful to talk on these verses because these verses are the exact path I walked. Understand it is like a once you become enlightened you know all the paths. You can teach all the paths. All the knowledge about all the paths are revealed to you, available to you. But you always have a special affiliation to the path in which you travelled. I am so happy to teach these verses, because these are the verses, I will sit and read may be 12 or 13 even after my enlightenment. Because the enlightenment happened in me as an experience. I myself wanted to know what all the steps I walked through to achieve that experience. So, like an explosion it has happened. So now I needed to know without my knowledge what all the steps I walked through. I never read this verse atmaanam rahasisthitaha means seated within oneself in aloneness. But I always used to practice this. I always sit with Arunachala with the hill. This is the usual posture. Not for 10 minutes, half-an-hour. Please don't mistake. From sunrise to sunset. Without feeling like getting up. Not that I will have a thought. Oh let me get up and then I will try to control myself. No. Just sitting and gazing. The greatest blessing I received from my mind and my body is only initial convincing I need to do. That's all. After that never ever it disturbs. This Nirahara Samyama. Very casual like a sports . Very sportively I started. Only 1st day I need to convince. By the time evening kala Bairava Dharshan, the body was ready. From 2nd day, I don't even remember about food. Over. It is the best body and mind to live with. Please understand. You also need to understand this truth. Now so many of you are doing Nirahara Samyama. Means the living, hunger free. So many of you, hundreds of you are doing "The Samyama". If you don't even feel after tomorrow noon "I am going to eat solid food", if you don't even feel, I tell you, your bio-memory is the best bio-memory to live with. If you feel, but you also feel, "Ah, I may feel but I am not going to eat. I am going to live", then your bio-memory is friend for you. But if you feel "No, no, these are all not for me. I think I have already done too much. This 21 day itself is too much. Ah. It's Ok, Ok", then your bio-memory is your enemy. See, actually you feeling "this 21 days is too much for me" all these is just your own decision about yourself. Stop this your own decision about yourself. Allow my decision about yourself as your life. I also wanted to announce one more thing. The "The Samyamites" all of them have contributed Rs.89000 for the Sivakasi relief work to all the people who are affected. Along with this Rs.89,000 , I will give one more Lakh rupee and send it as Two Lakh rupee in your name, apart from the 50 Lakhs I am sending from Dhyanapeetam. So it will go as 52 Lakh. Not only that as a Swarnakarshana Bairava, I bless you guys whoever has contributed even 1 rupee, even 1 penny to this project, I bless you guys, you guys will never have fire accident in your life. You will be protected from fire and as Swarnakarshana Bairava, I bless you guys,