So why are you suffering? 12th Sep, 2011 Bhagavad Gita talk by Nithyananda
(2012 - Get prepared for the conscious cosmic transition - details at events/2012-get-prepared-conscious-cosmic-transition-global-event) Get Mail alerts of our new videos SUBSCRIBE (Click on Subscribe link above video) Preview "So why are you suffering?" the Bhagavad Gita series of talks (day 21) delivered to a live global audience by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 12th September, 2011 Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that it is even today used as a personal transformation guide in universities and management schools worldwide. In this talk on (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 8) Paramahamsa Nithyananda elaborates on 'Unnecessary Suffering'. The warrior-prince Arjuna's surrender to the enlightened master Krishna is opening the doors to his inner transformation. Breaking free of the grip of his convoluted logic, he rightly realizes that the deep suffering he experiences cannot be healed even if he conquers the entire universe in battle. In truth, all of one's suffering is nothing but the inner struggle to break free of the limitations of body-mind and express one's infinite potential. Attributing one's pain to any other cause is pure delusion, and leads to needless desperation. Awakening to this truth opens one to the 'right' suffering -- the thirst for enlightenment.