Raise Yourself by Yourself
In 29th August 2012 Morning talk on Bhagavad Gita, chapter 6, verse 5, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) decodes his favourite verse. This one verse stands alone as the crown of Sri Krishna's teachings. The sacred secret of this verse is that we alone have the sovereign power to raise ourselves to enlightenment or to hold ourselves back from spiritual evolution. Going forward even during moments of doubt and depression is atma bhakti: devotion to our higher intelligence. We become our own guiding light, building our lives on spontaneous inspiration. Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that even today it is used as a personal transformation guide.