Bhagavad Gita Discourse 7 - www.LifeBliss.org
From works of Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The Ancient Masters and Rishis created the Indian community system. We have started to disrespect this system. Yet our community system is alive. Other civilizations - Rome, Greece - all the cultures that came after India, did not survive. Of course, our community system has made mistakes; it followed the letters and missed the spirit. But just because it isn't perfect, it doesn't mean that it doesn't work. It is like a tumor in the body. You can't abandon or destroy the body just because it has one tumor. The Rishis founded the community system based on wisdom and intelligence. In other countries, it is based on material wealth and power. The complete discourse titled "Indian Community System" may be ordered through www.anandagalleria.com