Be Immersed In God
TALKS FROM MORNING SATSANG ON SEPTEMBER 14, 2012 IN BIDADI, INDIA Bhagavad Gita (Song of God) is a timeless treatise on the essence of living enlightenment. The Gita was imparted by the enlightened Hindu incarnation Sri Krishna to the warrior-prince Arjuna over 5000 years ago. Amazingly, the spiritual wisdom and life solutions offered in the Gita are so universal and current that even today it is used as a personal transformation guide. In today's talk on Bhagavad Gita, chapter 6, verse 15, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) shares with us the ultimate spiritual goal of the previous verses. When we master our thoughts, focus our attention beyond the distractions of life and melt into devotion, we are immersed in God and become One with Him. There can be no greater bliss than this. TRANSCRIPTIONS:- I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today, Successfully, the Nirahaara samyama - third level, eleventh day completing. Today is leventh day. So tomorrow. Tomorrow after morning satsang, all of you can start eating. You complete the Nirahaara samyama third level successfully. But I am not going to break the Nirahaara samyama tomorrow. I am going to start from tomorrow itself, THE Samyama. I will complete formally the Nirahaara samyama level three with all the team. As I started with you guys, I will complete but, tomorrow itself I am starting The samyama. Means, Body is already trained actually. So I will continue with the Nirahaara. Am going to build the body in Niraahaara, build the muscles, You will see within the next 21 days, my muscles expanding without food, just through pranayaama and yoga. Nirahara samyama level 1 is ending today. Today it ends after the satsang. You can eat. Today we will give a break. Day after tomorrow, or tomorrow itself, we can start. Day after tomorrow, we will start the Nirahaara samyama level 2. Because, hundreds of Tamil nadu centers are also joining. October THE samyama -- There will be special kriyas and special ayurvedic and herbal juices for THE samyama participants. And, I am already ready with all those special kriyas. You may have to pay only for your special juices and accommodations and you will be medically continuously observed. Just for that, samyama itself is free. But for all these things, you may have to pay, it will be happening in Bidadi. I am getting hundreds of emails, being poured from THE samyama participants that they are successfully able to continue without food. Even in their house and regular lie style. And today another one important thing - NSP in malaysia is starting today. I myself will be conducting through the video conferencing from four countries more than two hundred and fifty participants are participating. Hundreds of people are applying for brahmacharya kriya. By tomorrow I will initiate all of you into Brahmacharya kriya. Because still we are working on the people who want to initiation. The list is getting added, added, added. I am going to work on the list. Tomorrow I will finalize and initiate all of you into the kriya and the list. Because of this list, people who want to practice, I am delaying it one day. Tomorrow, I will initiate. Lets enter into today's satsang. In Bhagavad Gita, sixth chapter, Dhyana yoga Fifteenth verse.: Yunjan -nevam-sadaat-maanam yogi niyata-maanasaha Shaantim nirvana paramaam mat samsthaa madhigacchati Translation: In this manner the devotee whose mind is established, continuously connects with the higher consciousness, attains profound peace and becomes immersed in me. Now Bhagawan is in the mode of blessing. After giving a strong instructions; Usually I do that. If I give a strong dose, then I call that person, "ok ok don't worry " and give one hug and say "alright, alright" . No, if that person is receptive. He receives that firing and really feels I should transform. so bhagawan is in the blessing mode. Beautifully he blesses. mat samsthaa madhigacchati He becomes immersed in me. I tell you, This is the greatest blessing you can receive. When "I say I will be with you", Don't believe. When I say "You will be with me", believe only that word. I will be with you for the whole world. But you will be with me is the real thing. Understand I am telling you, Wealth, Health, name and fame, life, body, mind, joy, pleasure -- When you ask, I will give all these things. But, whom I really really love, Somebody whom I really love, who has served his whole life dedicating himself or herself completely to me, If they come to me and ask me personally, "Swamiji, What is the best thing you know in the universe? Can you give me that ?" I tell you, I promise, I will give this only -- What Bhagawan calls as "Matsamstha madhigachyate." Being immersed in me. Nothing! Nothing is equivalent to this. Great saint, Tirunavukkarasar swamigal, from south india, even when he was put in prison, illegal imprisonment is the eternal law for incarnations, at least few days they are made to suffer.