What is Dharma? Understanding Jeeva, Jagat and Ishwara - Self, World and God
This video clip is taken from the Ask the Avatar interview conducted by T.V. Mohandas Pai at Nithyananda Peetha Bengaluru Adheenam on Nithyananda explains Dharma for an individual as coming to a clear understanding about Jeeva, Jagat and Ishwara, or Self, World and God. "What is the idea I have about me? What is the idea I have about world? What is the idea I have about God? If resting eternally in God is my Dharma, how should I behave with me, how should I behave with the world, how I should behave with God? This should be the scale with which we measure every moment how we should behave." See the whole interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpWPJj8QADI