Manifest Your Four Powers
“First time in your body when the mind moves towards some object it creates inner image….” explains Paramahamsa Nithyananda entering into the first verse of the Kena Upanishad, which asks us to enter into pure questioning in Nithya Satsang of 15th July 2016 from Varanasi. The first line of the verse sets us on the action of creating the Inner Image (the idea we carry about ourselves). When we don’t question the first line of the verse, our inner image gets formed, which is – “By whom willed and caused, does the mind go towards and thinks its object? By whom directed and united with which, does the first vital life–energy, the chief cause comes forth towards its activities?” We need to question – " Whom is creating the inner image in me?" When we ask this right question, our root pattern starts losing power. Our inner image is our mind’s movement towards an object, which gets formed and powerlessness takes us over. The inner image creates pain and the outer image creates suffering. Our bodies are God's temple to be kept in the space of COMPLETION. Completion activates our four powers. which are – Vaak Shakti experienced through Integrity. Mano Shakti experienced through Authenticity. Buddhi Shakti experienced by Responsibility. Jiva Shakti experienced by Enriching. We need to manifest all these powers by pure questioning. First Mantra of Kena Upanishad: keneṣitaṁ patati preṣitaṁ manaḥ kena prāṇaḥ prathamaḥ praiti yuktaḥ | keneṣitāṁ vācamimāṁ vadanti cakṣuḥ śrotaṁ ka u devo yunakti || 1 || ~ (pure questioning): By whom [kena] willed and caused [iṣitam], does the mind go towards and thinks its object? By whom directed [preṣitam] and united with which, does the first vital life–energy, the chief cause [prathaṁ prāṇa] comes forth towards its activities? At whose will does this speech gets activated and speaks? Enlivened and directed by what luminous, divine power (by what invisible cause), indeed, do the eyes and the ears engage in their functions?"