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KAILASA Seattle Saravajnapeetha

With the blessings and guidance of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagadguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagvan Nithyananda Paramashivam, and amidst great excitement and celebrations, Nithyananda Vedic Temple Seattle was inaugurated on Feb 24, 2008. In under eight months, the temple transformed from a blessing into a reality! This is the fifth Nithyananda Vedic Temple in the USA, and the first near the city of Seattle. It is now a center of socio-spiritual activities, spreading Vedic culture in the Pacific Northwest area of the United States. Apart from being a temple for devotion (bhakti), it is also a school for gaining knowledge (jnana), learning meditation (dhyana) & yoga, and a community for volunteering (seva). Read more :

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